I'm skeptical of your assertion that the op ed pages of the New York Times are the most influential. it has the 2d highest circulation after the Wall Street Journal but those ratings are for print and I suspect more people read things online than in print these days. I couldn't find "circulation figures" for online. In addition, I'm skeptical about their actual influence as opposed to broadcast sources like Fox (unfortunately). Then the question is who is influenced by whatever. If you're talking politicians and office holders, I wonder about the NYT compared to the Washington Post or even USA Today. My guess is that politicians aren't all that influenced by whatever is in the NYT. Just a guess. 538's polling probably interests them more.

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It wasn't an assertion, really, but I do think the Times remains among the first sources policymakers look at. The print circulation is declining, as is everybody's, but they've more than 6 million digital-only subscribers, which is a lot.


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Enjoying your commentary. Seems like things are going well for you.



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Thanks, Bill. Things are galumphing along. I hope all is well with you.

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A lot has happened since 2008 economically and health wise. Made it past both issues and enjoying retirement. Still write at Angry Bear on Supply Chain, etc. Once and a while, I snatch one of yours to feature along with proper attribution.

Glad to see you still up and about.

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