On the defense contractors' lobbying for continuation of unwanted products, I think it's only fair to observe that they are supported by their unions who of course, want those jobs. Middle class welfare.

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If the jobs were really the issue they could save tens of billions by retraining those workers at full salary and converting the various facilities into something useful.

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They could but the unions aren't asking for that, are they?

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All these companies have one customer. I really don't think the unions are in control here.

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Not in control but reinforcing the political pressure.

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Man, I do love me some psychedelics, but the notion of the hippocampus becoming "unnecessary" or somehow "obviated" worries me. Whatever the hippocampus does, we have evolved to use the thing, or be made use of by it. And when I see a phrase like "maladaptive memories" I immediately go into defensive, investigative inquiry mode - what are we supposed to be "adapting" to, and who wants us to do the adapting? Maybe people who don't need their hippocampus any more are docile employees. WB, I do hope you are well (or as well as can be expected) and I wonder if the beaches where you are have rocks more than they have sand. Am fond of rocks. Take care of your excellent mind.

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Hey, Hilary. Good to see you.

I know that a shrinking hippocampus is associated with depression and anxiety (which could explain why my memories are so spotty) and that effective treatment of depression can allow it to recover. Beyond that, I'm lost. The ketamine has really made a dent in my depression, which maybe means I'm better at remembering things, but now I'm old enough to have short-term memory issues just from age so it's probably a wash.

The beach in the photo is near Santa Barbara, where beaches are typically quite wide and flat and walkable. Home is Oahu, where beaches are usually steeper and more constricted and, depending upon where they are, can be quite rocky, but probably not in the sense you're thinking of. They just have a lot of lava rock on or near the shoreline.

There's a bit of beach at low tide where I took this pic, but it's rimmed by rock. A friend of mine sliced up his foot there and I took him to the firehouse just down the road, where I was told they get dozens of similar cases every week in the summer when the waves are low enough to permit walking the tide pools. If it's not too bad they just send the victims across the street to the little grocery where they can get alcohol and gauze.


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