On the defense contractors' lobbying for continuation of unwanted products, I think it's only fair to observe that they are supported by their unions who of course, want those jobs. Middle class welfare.

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Man, I do love me some psychedelics, but the notion of the hippocampus becoming "unnecessary" or somehow "obviated" worries me. Whatever the hippocampus does, we have evolved to use the thing, or be made use of by it. And when I see a phrase like "maladaptive memories" I immediately go into defensive, investigative inquiry mode - what are we supposed to be "adapting" to, and who wants us to do the adapting? Maybe people who don't need their hippocampus any more are docile employees. WB, I do hope you are well (or as well as can be expected) and I wonder if the beaches where you are have rocks more than they have sand. Am fond of rocks. Take care of your excellent mind.

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