Much as I concur in your beating the conventional press about the face and ears, I have to continue to insist that the greater culprits in this shit show are the rubes and suckers also known as voters, without whom Trump ain't got nothin'. The ones that put him in office in our odd system do not, in my opinion and limited observation, read or watch the mainstream press. They suck up their information from God knows what social media, bar room rants, and evangelistic bullshit they get from their churches, clubs, lodges and revival meetings and, like Rudyard Kipling's Bandarlog of "The Jungle Book", chant to each other: "It's so, it's so, it must be so; we all say so, so it must be so." If they can breathe, they can vote and whoever the mouth breathers choose will probably win. As Churchill said, "The worst form of government except for all the rest." It seems likely that nothing will change until maybe, only maybe, they get battered sufficiently by the greedheads, to recognize who is doing it to them and find somebody else. It took the Depression to elect FDR. I shiver in anxiety to think what may be necessary to do it this time. Consider that even if the Big Macs finally get to Trump, there's Vance slouching towards Bethlehem to be born (with apologies to the soul of William Yeats).

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Yeats was more than a bit of a dick in his own right, politically, but a giant nevertheless.

Voters are a regrettable necessity, but it'd be nice to have a community of journalists who weren't and hadn't been mealy-mouthing their way around our little oligarchy and authoritarian racists problem for the past few decades or so. Would've also been nice to have a Democratic party which hadn't been doing the same when they weren't actively embracing it. Give the proles somewhere to come home to.

I've seen stuff indicating that some trumpettes are already freaking out about tariffs and eggs and suchlike, but it's only a matter of time before they recover to blame it on the deep state.

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