Hey, WB. You haven't heard from me in a while, but pllease know you have a faithful reader, if one scrounging for cash. I asked Jeff (of the redoubtable BLKDGRD blog) to put your blog on his roll of honor, which he did. Here's a book recommendation for you - HEALTH COMMUNISM by Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant, published by Verso. And a couple of music recs - Psychic Temple, and Muslimgauze. I promise they will not force your temporal lobes to contort as much as Matthew Shipp. Keep doing what you do -it's important. -hjh

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Hey, Hilary. Thanks for stopping by. I'll check out the music. I noticed I'd been added to his list, and he's linked to me in a few posts as well, so thanks for that. And thanks for the kind words.

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Re your snark on Biden and continued need for oil, you do understand, I suppose, that gasoline price inflation can install Republicans in power. You may also have noticed that the Republicans now control the House and that the Democrats have the most seats at risk in the next Senatorial election. Politics, you may recall, is the art of the possible. Peace.

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I understand that Biden can't do anything substantive about global warming because then he won't get reelected to continue not doing anything substantive about global warming, yes. This is why I say we're in the palliative care stage of our various crises, but of course we're not going to get even that.

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It's not so much that he can't anything; it's rather that he's limited rather severely in what he can do by virtue of the lack of congressional will to do more serious things. It's also true that electrification of cars and trucks on a wide scale is in process but a long way off. In the meantime, they run on gasoline.

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Biden could, but hasn't declared a climate emergency, which purely from a rhetorical standpoint would be a huge step, and which would expand his executive authority over climate-related issues. The options are do too little to expand green energy while doing nothing to curb fossil fuel extraction because it's too hard, or take drastic steps to maintain the habitability of our little corner of the world. When what's possible is wholly inadequate, you have to at least *try* to change what's possible.


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