One of the other stupid points from the David Wallace-Wells article (the interactive portion) is they specifically call out and illustrate palm trees in London. But surely someone should have pointed out that if the AMOC--the gulf stream--slows down or stops because of meltwater from Greenland, then England will be significantly colder in a warming world. Why choose the one prediction that is very likely to be wrong?

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I have no idea, man. You seem to be a lot more knowledgeable than I am about the processes in action. The sense I got generally was that it's meant to discourage agitating for what that UN report I linked to on your thread called for: a rapid, drastic transformation of developed economies and societies. I mean hey, if maybe things aren't so bad as they seem, maybe we don't need all this, or at least we should wait until the situation clarifies a bit more. Let's check back and see where we are in five years, ad infinitum. Really frustrating.

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