thanks for the plug brother.

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The article mentions antipsychotic medications, which are vastly over-used and over-prescribed in eldercare, in any kind of long-term healthcare, in prisons, in juvenile facilities and teenage boot camp facilities (of the type discussed in the recent TrueAnon series), and of course mental hospitals. In each of these situations, the authority can compel the subject to take meds; the patients have no right to refuse. When prescribed in over-dose quantities (which they frequently are), these drugs are basically chemical lobotomies. Regardless of whether or not the patient has any "psychotic" attributes, private equity eldercare places like these meds because they take away any concern about what their patients do during the day, any need for stimulation or human connection or engagement or anything that makes life living. The power to force another person to take a drug shouldn't be so widely distributed in a society.

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