Not to minimize the mental health provider issue, it's also true that important medical providers (cardiologists, neurologists, etc.) are hard to find as well, even if one has appropriate and acceptable coverage. Basically, the healthcare system is being slammed even in urban settings. Rural, of course, are even worse.

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Hello, W.B. I was determined to send you a thank you for last week's shout-out, which I really thrilled to! Well, I was determined to send you a thank-you last week, and there were all these other things I was determined to do last week, like catch up on periodicals, and catch up on books, and learn to argue with more panache, but - well, I'm having one of those awful weeks wherein it is hard to read. My least favorite sort of week. Anyway! One thing to read if you want to learn to argue more skillfully (and you argue quite well, but sometimes it's fun to cite sources) is this book https://thebaffler.com/latest/perversity-futility-jeopardy-denison It's a very short book, and I even have a copy which I would mail to you did we not live in a historical period wherein such exertions are unnecessary. Or you could just attend to Perversity, Jeopardy, and Futility and how they scaffold the arguments of the right. Finally! For music you can have on as background music, try the pianist Brad Mehldau (he does a marvelous cover of Paranoid Android, but that's just for starters) or the band The Bad Plus, who are now in their third edit, this one without a piano but - it still works! Remain in light.

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