On the issue of whose spawn will rule the future, I commented over on Geezers.

On the question of arms manufacturers profiting from the Ukraine War, it is, after all, their product and they did not create the demand; the Russians did. Are you suggesting they shouldn't;t charge for the orders they are receiving?

On the railway labor issue, the Supreme Court of Harry Truman's time wouldn't let the government seize the steel mills. I wonder why they can seize the railway workers. It is, of course, undeniable that a rail strike would cause the American economy to implode and I wonder if that would be a good thing from a progressive's point of view since it would impact far more jobs than those of the railway workers.

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Well, the arms manufacturers are not making the decision on prolonging things. Where are you on the issue of "prolonging"? You think we should give Putin some of Ukraine?

I hold no brief for the oil and gas people. Again, though, should they be expected to give it away? Who gets to decide how much profit is "enough"?

I don't think you're going to get a general strike out of the railroad issues. The other workers are far more concerned with keeping their own jobs and it's hard to blame them. The economy is tough on blue collar people. The masses are too busy surviving to rise.

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So, you are in favor of giving Putin some of Ukraine for the sake of "peace"?

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Well, if you take away their weapons, you insure that they lose. You also insure that Putin will keep on being Putin. At some point, he needs to be stopped. Remember Hitler? How about when Putin goes after Poland? They aren't the U.S. either. Do you think we should have stayed out of WWII? We could have. Poland, France and England weren't the U.S. either.

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Putin has rather clearly expressed his intention to restore the Soviet Union countries as Russian. Poland is one of them. Dismissing that as rhetoric would be foolish given his behavior to date with Ukraine, Georgia, Chechyna. Biden has, so far, been trying to avoid direct confrontation with NATO but the Russian "spokesmen" have been characterizing their war as defending against NATO despite it being an invasion by Russia.

In WWII, Germany and Italy declared war after the Japanese attack, yes, but also in response to Roosevelt's lend lease support of Britain and, wait fo it. . . Russia.

I favor support of Ukraine as long as they have a reasonable chance of prevailing. Ukrainians have not forgotten Stalin's starvation of them, nor should they. It represents Russia's attitude toward them as a culture. Putin seems to have adopted Stalin's tactics.

Finland and Sweden have applied for NATO membership. I wonder why. Perhaps it's because Russia is openly proclaiming its "right" to be an empire. I don't suppose I need to bring up Chamberlain's failure.

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