Who Will The Regime Target When Everything Goes To Shit? Plus,
How 'bout them Democrats? Plus other stuff and music
Who Will The Regime Target When Everything Goes To Shit?
Seeing as how everything is starting to go to shit, with the assistant president’s beloved stock market tanking in the wake of his beloved tariffs before they even start to bite, and before any of his hoped-for legislative mayhem arrives, this seems like a timely subject.
One of the critical elements of Nazi ideology was the idea, first promulgated in the 1920s, that Germany had lost WWI and suffered the dire post-war consequences of the Weimar Republic because they had been stabbed in the back from within, primarily, but not only, by Jews and Communists, who became the first large-scale targets of the Hitler regime.
The Dolchstoßlegende, the stab-in-the-back myth, is a staple of repressive regimes, which are more than usually vulnerable to sclerosis and entropy. We’re no strangers to it either, as, for instance, some gentlefolk still adhere to the myth with respect to losing the war against Vietnam, but it’s never been truly central to our national psyche until now, when we have a regime topped by someone incapable of taking responsibility for anything other than good things it didn’t do. We’ve been more prone to blame the outsider—the commies or the New Hitler or whoever.
Now, though, we have a regime making lists of people who have been sabotaging our economy and our manly spirit all along. We’ve mostly read about this in relation to federal agencies, but it is or will be affecting everybody, not just the feds. A friend recently told me that the small regional community health clinic where they work—one of the ones Bernie Sanders has worked so relentlessly to establish and fund—was the recipient of a Musk-generated update to their reporting software that scoured the clinic’s database for terms relating to transgender patients.
More broadly, newly installed national police director Kash Patel recently went on a brief rant about chasing anti-American elements beyond the ones he’s already named, within and without the country, to the ends of the earth and, as he put it, determining their “end state.” And as Ken Klippenstein notes, Patel has plenty of experience aiming the entire national security state at perceived wrong-doers.
As I’ve said before and will say again, I think this is an accelerationist regime, the principals of which want to provoke the kind of backlash they can use to justify turning the entire might of their armed forces, from the FBI to the joint terrorism centers involving local police and federal agencies, from the national guard to the military, against people protesting their draconian policies.
And I’m pretty sure they don’t care whether the kind of mass protest they can use to justify a clampdown is coming solely from the usual suspects—including some frowned upon by Democrats too, such as the pro-Palestinian protestors that the Bidenaires and many congressional Democrats energetically despise, and other human rights protestors that way too many Democrats blame for Harris’s loss by way of insisting on equity for humans through the vehicle of DEI—or includes Trump supporters who suddenly find themselves among the new society’s flotsam.
Go down swinging, is what I say, although, also again, I have every intention of fleeing the country before I’m made homeless and more ill than I already am, and again I offer my apologies for hoping everybody else will step up while I’m trying to exuant.
How 'bout them Democrats?
I didn’t watch the rant last night—which reminds me, I should have mentioned above that while most of the regime honchos have relatively tailored hatreds according to their particular ideological or personal psychoses, Trump hates everyfuckingbody—but I did read a little about the congressional Democratic protests of it, which with the exception of Rep. Al Green, who was shamefully abandoned by his colleagues, and a few people who walked out or stayed away, were just absolutely pathetic and unconscionable.
I’m trying to imagine a 1930s anti-Nazi protest, which this should have been, in which a group of color-coordinated republicans held up little paddles saying things like “this just isn’t right,” or whatever those idiots were flashing, mostly off camera.
I also read that Hakeem Jeffries asked his caucus for decorum, because the last thing you want is people behaving indecorously while the titular head of the regime describes ending the republic as we know it, and is now praising the fuchsia-clad paddle-wielding political imbeciles as “serious.”
Elon reconsiders
I guessed Musk would back out of his commitment to an interview with Jon Stewart, and lo, so he has done.
Mekons, Heaven and Hell, “Memphis, Egypt;”
The Raincoats, Odyshape, “Shouting Out Loud;”
Pee Wee Russell & Coleman Hawkins, Jazz Reunion, “What Am I Here For?;”
Charles Mingus Sextet with Eric Dolphy, Cornell 1964, “So Long Eric.”
The video is not of a sextet or the concert I was listening to, but it’s Mingus and Dolphy et al playing “So Long Eric” in 1964, so there.
Subscriptions and such
If you like what I do, please share it around and let me know. Subscriptions are either free or not, your choice, and there’s no difference except the paid ones offer the satisfaction of affording me an extra checked bag on my way out of town.
Take care; be well.
I didn't watch the debacle, but I did read about the ping-pong paddles, and I almost threw up my breakfast. (Nobody wants to see used yogurt.) We have one or two heroes left--AOC certainly qualifies, and Bernie, and maybe this Al Green (who?) fella. I'm tired of feeling helpless, but I am old and tired. I haven't done so much as hold up a ping-pong paddle at the Fake State of the Union, but also, nobody has elected me to guard them from crazy fucking fascist billionaires, so I don't feel quite as bad about my lack of action as I do about, oh, let's say Jeffries or the lady who held up the "This is Not Normal" sign she'd drawn on the back of a Chinese restaurant menu. You're goddamned right it's not normal--what in the actual fuck are you doing about it? News flash--holding up the sign doesn't count as doing something. "Trump is drilling for oil and clear-cutting national parks, threatening to invade Panama and Greenland, stabbing our allies in the back, and destroying Medicaid to give Elon and Bezos a tax cut. I made these signs with stuff I bought from Hobby Lobby!"